Insights into Zemez WordPress Legacy – A Conversation with the WordPress Project Manager on ZEMEZ

Insights into Zemez WordPress Legacy - A Conversation with the WordPress Project Manager on ZEMEZ

Discovering the Zemez WordPress Legacy with Ramisana

The Zemez WordPress legacy is an important part of our team’s history. Every new product we work on defines our future projects and the approach we apply in web development. Being the world’s most popular website platform, WordPress was one of our team’s primary goals and interests until recently. As of 2023, we are oriented toward Shopify as a rapidly developing and constantly changing CMS for eCommerce. However, the huge variety of projects for other platforms we worked on helped us to tackle new challenges effectively. From web design to marketing and development, the legacy of our previous works provides our experts with valuable knowledge and techniques.

zemez wordpress themes

Today we decided to talk with Zemez’s WordPress project manager, Ramisana. We’ll discuss what it takes to work on WordPress projects and how the production process of WordPress themes has changed at Zemez. Also, we’ll take a look at some of the most notable projects of the Zemez WordPress team. Moreover, you’ll learn what is necessary for a successful WordPress website and how to get started with this platform. However, before we dive into the details and insights, let’s look at the role of a project manager in theme design and development.

The Role of WordPress Project Manager at Zemez

In any team, a project manager is responsible for planning and completing a project. Managing resources, setting tasks, and consulting team members is an important part of PM’s responsibilities. This is also true for managing projects that defined the Zemez WordPress legacy. As an experienced project manager, Ramisana knows how to effectively handle all of the necessary tasks. Her professionalism and unique approach have been an important part of Zemez for almost 8 years. Being a highly creative part of it, she truly enjoys her job. Aside from web development, she is also interested in cooking, music, and technology. “When a cooking-themed template comes up for review, I turn on the music and work with even greater pleasure”, she says.

Being a highly experienced project manager, Ramisana sees her vital role in supporting colleagues. This ensures the top performance of the whole team and improves understanding of current tasks. Moreover, with the right approach, the project manager can find a compromise between the needs of a client and the team’s performance and potential. Negotiating skills are of even bigger importance here than just being a manager. Other important skills may include:

  1. Communication;
  2. Time management;
  3. Problem-solving;
  4. Adaptability;
  5. Motivation.

But what does it take to be a project manager at Zemez? Let’s talk to Ramisana to find an answer to this question.

best shopify themes

What is your current role in the Zemez team?

Currently, I am the PM of two departments at Zemez – WP and HTML. Both of these platforms provide great opportunities when it comes to design and development. I’ve been working on HTML projects for a while now. Since I joined this team in 2015, I learned a lot during my work on HTML templates. However, the Zemez WordPress legacy provides lots of ways to learn and improve my skills as a project manager. Moreover, we need to deliver a product that our clients would enjoy. That’s why I aim to pay attention to all major aspects of theme development and testing, both for HTML and WP.

How can you describe your journey to becoming a WordPress PM at Zemez?

In 2015, I was invited to the company for a position as a QA specialist. At that time, I was working with various types of templates. After some time, I begin to work exclusively on HTML templates. Later, I became the PM in this direction. After working for a year in an HTML department, I started working with the WordPress team. I guess knowing web development from the inside out is what allows me to properly work on each template and theme. Sometimes it may feel like a challenge. However, it is a great opportunity to learn something new while working with an awesome team.

Monstroid2 theme as a part of Zemez WordPress legacy

What are the most interesting projects you and your team have worked on?

First, of course, there are our bestsellers – Monstroid2 and Woostroid2 that are totally impressive, especially with their content. These themes include incredible variations of sections and blocks. The number of designs and child themes featured there never ceases to amaze me. These two projects are probably the most diverse and extensive if compared to our other themes. They are the biggest contribution to the Zemez WordPress legacy. Both of them are 100% versatile. Furthermore, in each of them, clients can find exactly what they need on any topic. The topics of these themes include designs for:

  • Financial advisor;
  • Movie production studio;
  • Restaurant;
  • Car parts store;
  • Pharmacy;
  • Art gallery etc.

I also want to highlight Innomerce – a business template with a modern, stylish, concise design. It may be not as multipurpose as the previous themes. Still, it is a clean and stylish solution for any modern business. With a diverse selection of pages, this theme can completely transform any business website. Our team always aims to deliver varied layouts with every theme they work on. This solution not only follows that principle but also provides our clients with multiple ways of page customization.

Such a range of professionally designed themes surely requires a great set of skills. What are the most important qualities for a team member working on WordPress projects?

All our team members are united by such qualities as responsibility, sociability, attentiveness, and inquisitiveness. In my opinion, these qualities are probably the most important. But if we are talking about skills, they are defined by the team member’s job. From developers to designers and QA specialists, their professional qualities can be quite different. Whether it’s critical thinking or attention to detail, every member of Zemez has something specific that makes every project they work on truly unique. In a way, they all define the Zemez WordPress legacy.

As a project manager, what do you pay the most attention to?

Two areas are most important in my work. They include the quality of our product and the comfortable, friendly atmosphere of our team. I believe that a responsible project manager has to take care of these two factors. Most importantly, they are interconnected. For example, without a well-established and trustworthy atmosphere in the team, it is impossible to deliver high-quality products. It can be a new WordPress theme or just a regular update. Whatever it is, any task a team member faces needs to be performed in the right atmosphere. Moreover, planning them is as important as getting a proper result.

Significant WordPress Themes by Zemez

Are there any significant themes that improved the production process at Zemez?

To my mind, any theme we work on improves our production process in a way. From landing pages to complex and multipurpose themes from the Zemez WordPress legacy, there’s a lot you can learn when working on each of these solutions. Also, creating child themes based on a ready-made theme is useful. It significantly speeds up the process of production. For example, we have created diverse themes based on Monstroid2. When working on a theme based on a complex project, a developer improves them both. This ensures the best user experience for our customers.

How has the current situation in Ukraine affected your work as a project manager?

It added even more concern for the life, safety, and morale of employees than before. People are one of the most vital parts of Zemez’s story of success. So now it is twice as important to take care of our team. In my opinion, providing equipment for work and assisting with relocation matters the most. This is especially true when it comes to organizing the working process. However, there are multiple ways of assisting our employees and managing their work. Here are a few examples:

  1. Offering remote social interaction opportunities;
  2. Monitoring work progress;
  3. Solving technical issues;
  4. Making project goals clear and visible.

We believe that our team members are a huge part of the Zemez WordPress legacy. Their skills and approaches to performing tasks are as important as the themes they deliver.

What is the most important lesson you have learned during your career?

One of the most useful lessons in my job is connected to technology development. In the industry of web design everything changes and you should never stand still. Learning new skills is as vital as working on the improvement of the acquired ones. That’s why at Zemez we take care of our team’s performance improvement. From taking part in webinars to attending special courses, every team member tries their best to hone their skills. This, in return, provides the best output for both the employee and the company. Besides, being satisfied with the final result of your work is just a prize in itself.

To your opinion, what does it take to create the perfect WordPress site?

Well, there are a few things any WordPress developer needs to remember. First of all, it is necessary to imagine the final look of your site. You must take several factors into account here. Colors, pages, sections, presence of a blog or store are all important for consideration. Each of these elements plays a small yet decisive role in the theme development process. However, there is a simpler way you can choose – buying a theme from Zemez. Our team will take care of every side of your website to make it look as top-notch as possible.

Zemez WordPress Legacy: Useful Advice

What advice would you give to those who want to start working with WordPress?

Don’t be afraid to learn something new. Since WordPress includes a builder, you don’t even need special programming skills to get started. Making your website with this CMS is not as difficult as it might seem. Moreover, there are now lots of tutorials on working with WP. Thanks to the documentation, you can get answers to any WordPress-related question in it. There is an abundance of themes and plugins from diverse vendors and developers. You just need to select what fits your site the most. Then, feel free to customize it in any way you find convenient.

Interview with the WordPress Project Manager: Conclusion

We hope this interview with Ramisana, our WordPress project manager was informative and useful. As one of our talented team members, she has been successfully improving the way we deliver templates and themes. Her unique approach and honed skills allow her to effectively manage various WordPress-related tasks at Zemez. Moreover, she knows how to take on the challenges of the web development industry and use the Zemez WordPress legacy to make our products better. As a result, our customers receive top-quality themes with impressive design and rich functionality.

For more interviews and interesting articles, don’t forget to visit our blog. There you can find more guides about Shopify POS and the advantages of phone lead generation. Besides, feel free to take a look at detailed guides for retailers. On our website, you can also find a wide selection of services and themes for your online store website. At Zemez, we always try to give our clients the best possible solutions for their businesses. And if you prefer to get updates about web development and eCommerce via social networks, don’t hesitate to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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