In WooCommerce, filling in the SKU number field is not obligatory. To leave it empty or not is fully up to you.
Still, if you need to distinguish items from each other in your online store, find out how to add SKU right now. It’s very easy to do in WooCommerce templates and won’t take lots of your time. Read ahead!
Add or Not Add SKU in WooCommerce?
Pasting SKUs simplifies accounting and searching for products in an online store greatly. It’s also very useful for the growth of the range and assortment.
Why is the SKU number in WooCommerce optional? WooCommerce uses the product ID to identify products, so the product’s article number is not needed for a store to work. In fact, in most cases, the SKU number is just an additional option (like a chip with recommended products in the store). Still, for editors, the SKU number is a possibility to find the right product in the catalog quickly.
Adding SKU to Products
- First, let’s log in to WordPress Dashboard. You need to locate Products tab in the left column. Open it to view the list of all the products existing on your website.
- Open for editing one of the products.
- Add the SKU number in the SKU field, which you can find in the Product Data > Inventory block. Then save the changes. Now you’ve added the SKU number to one of the products.
- Usually, SKU is the identification number for any purchasable item. So to display products using SKU you’ll need to assign the SKU numbers to them.
Plugins Adding SKU in WooCommerce
In product catalogs with a large number of positions, where there are no special requirements for filling the SKU field, the whole process can be slightly optimized.
Product SKU Generator
After installing and activating the Product SKU Generator, the SKU number will be added automatically.
Main features:
- Generating SKUs from URL (slug) or ID values;
- Use in numbers of product variations the parent SKU, attributes, or ID.
Parameters for creating to add SKU in WooCommerce are set in the menu in the “Products” tab.
Booster for WooCommerce
There is a Booster plugin with a bunch of different functions and for our today’s topic, of course.
Main features:
- Setting a common attribute prefix/suffix, there are also different suffixes for each product category;
- SKU generation pattern;
- Search by SKU;
- Resolution duplicates;
- Adding/removing fields from email newsletters;\
- Complete ban of SKU if need.