WordPress template installation

for $49 $49

  • Complete theme installation
  • Includes plugins & demo content
  • Performed by professionals
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Estimated time: 24 b.h.

We’ll successfully install the theme of your choice to your hosting

Let professionals install the WordPress theme

Our skilled team will fully install the WordPress content management system to your hosting and then install the theme. We’ll make sure everything works as it should, and take care of the needed plugins and demo content you might need for it to look as on a live demo. All the default content will be in place and ready to be customized or replaced by your own. Your website will be up and running in a blink of an eye!

zemez wordpress themes

+ 1 Year of FREE hosting from InMotion

Get a bonus 1 year of hosting from InMotion for your website to use for FREE when purchasing this service.


monster one