Installation & Setup service

for $79 $79

  • Complete theme installation
  • Sample (demo) data import
  • Performed by professionals
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Estimated time: up to 24 b.h.

Shopify Installation & Setup Service

Are you looking for a way to quickly install a chosen theme for your online store? With our expert assistance, you can expect a fully activated theme within a single business day.

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What’s Included

Our theme installation service offers a reasonably priced alternative to installing and testing the theme on your own. Here’s what the service package contains:

– installing and activating the selected theme on your Shopify account;

– importing sample data that is provided with the template package*;

– adding and activating all applications provided with the theme package;

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– making sure everything within the theme works flawlessly.

How It Works

When ordering this service and contacting us we ask you to share the credentials of your Shopify account and the Shopify theme your Shopify theme you would like to have installed. Within the next 24 hours, we will provide you with a 100% functional and tested Shopify installation with the theme that you asked for.

Please note:

* This service is valid for a single website only. It provides a clean installation, i.e., installation & setup service from scratch.

* Project starts after you provide us with the credentials of your Shopify account. However, in rare cases of unforeseen technical difficulties, it may be possible for the installation to take up 12 extra hours.

* Only the demo content included with your theme’s package will be imported. Unfortunately, the manual configuration of blog posts, product pages, collections, or menus is not a part of this service. It means that you will have menus and product collections that were previously added to your Shopify installation).

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