Sometimes when uploading media files you can get “Temporary Folder Missing” error. From this tutorial you’ll learn how to deal with it. The problem is often caused by hosting server if there is no temporary directory.
Removing “Temporary Folder Missing” Error
- First, log in to your hosting server cPanel file manager. Here you need to open wp-config.php file. You can find it in WordPress root directory.
- Open the file for editing and add the following lines of code after “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.” line.
- Save the changes.
- Now let’s create a new folder named temp inside the wp-content directory.
There is also another way to get rid of the error.
- The second way to solve the problem is to create a php.ini file (it may already exist, though) inside the public_html folder.
- You have to add the following code inside the newly created file.
- The path may be different. To learn what path you need to define, please, create a .php file and paste this code in it. When opened in the browser, it will provide you with the absolute path to the folder where the script is.
- Save the changes.
If you’re still facing the error, please, contact your hosting provider.