How to change or disable website pre-loader

This tutorial shows how to get rid of or change pages pre-loader.

zemez wordpress themes

Pre-loader is usually an image that appears before the site loads completely.

To change it, you need to do the following:

  1. Go the Online Store -> Themes -> Actions -> Edit code, locate the Assets section on the left and find the image that is set as a pre-loader. Make sure to remember the name of it, for example, preloader.gif.

  2. Afterwards, you need to delete this image, then click on Add a new asset and upload an image you want to be your pre-loader with the same name and extension – in our case preloader.gif. Now the pre-loader is changed.

In order to delete it, perform this:

  1. Go to the Online Store -> Themes -> Actions -> Edit code and open the theme.liquid file under Layout folder, locate the following line:  

    Also, it can look the following way: 

  2. Comment out or delete this code. Save the file and you will not see the pre-loader on the front-end.
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