PrestaShop 1.7.x. How to install a theme with sample data (manual installation)

  1. Download the PrestaShop engine on and proceed with installation following the tutorial PrestaShop 1.7.x. How to install the engine.
  2. Open a zip archive with your template. Go to theme/manual_install. Select all the files and folders there and extract them in the same folder where you have extracted the engine files before: 
  3. Archive three folders (img, modules, themes) and upload this zip archive to your server. Now, extract it there: [notice type=”warning”]Attention: Importing the SQL file to your database will overwrite your existing content and website settings. Do not import the SQL file if you want to keep the existing content.
    Note: We highly recommend you to backup your database before making any modifications.
  4. Go to PhpMyAdmin tool to import the dump.sql file. Click the Import button at the top and browse the needed file from your computer: 
  5. The installation is successfully completed. Refresh your website to see the changes: 

Hopefully, this tutorial was helpful for you.

zemez wordpress themes
monster one