Magento 2. How to Display "New Products" on Home Page

➤ Here you can find the instructions on how to set the product as “New” and display the “New Products” section on the Home Page.
Set the product as “New”

1. Log into your Magento admin panel and go to the Products > Inventory > Catalog section.

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2. Find the product you need to be set as “New”.

3. Open the Product to edit (click “edit” opposite the product).

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4. Move to the Set Product as New From option. You need to set the time period the product will be displayed as “New”.

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5. Tap the “calendar” and then, choose the first date.

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6. Move to the To option and choose the last date that you want the product to be set as “New”.

7. Save the changes.

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Add the Features Products Widget

You can display the New Products using the default Magento Catalog New Products List and  *TM Featured Products widgets.

* We will show how to display the “New Products” section on the Home Page by means of the TM Featured Products widget.

➤  In order to add the Featured Products widget, do the following:

1. Go to the Content > Elements > Widgets menu.

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2. Click on the Add Widget button.

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3. Select Featured Products  type and TemplateMonster Theme design theme, then click Continue.

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You’ll move to the widget settings:

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Storefront Properties

1. Enter the Widget Title (not visible on the Frontend) for your widget and assign it to the needed store view(s).

2. Set the Sort Order. The Sort Order determines the display order in the certain container.

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The widget with the Sort Order set to 5 will be displayed after the widget with the Sort Order equals to 3 (in case the widgets assigned to the same container).
Layout Updates
The next step is to specify the page and the container where you want the “New Products” block to be displayed.

In order to place the widget on Home Page, do the following:

1. Press the Add Layout Update button.

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2. Set Display On to the Specified Page.

3. Select CMS Home Page from the Page option dropdown.

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4. Choose Main Content Area for the Container option and set Template to the Products List.

Widget Options

1. Move to the Widget Options tab.

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2. Choose New Products for the Product types option.

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3. Choose the category/categories to display the new products from.

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4. Use the Custom CSS class option, in case you need to apply any additional CSS rules to this section.

View Tab

1. You can set the image size for the product images displayed within the widget.

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2. Use the Product name length option to shorten the product name to the specified number of characters.

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3.  Choose if you want to use a “Carousel” for your widget. If “Yes“, set the number of products to display per view.

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4.  You can enable arrows and pagination for the widget. To enable the arrows and pagination, set Use Arrows and Use Pagination to “Yes“.

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You can display the custom label on the new products within the widget (e.g. New).

6. Go to the Labels tab and select “Yes” from the Show Label option dropdown.

7. Move to the New Products label option and enter the text for the label.

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8. Once the configuration is complete, tap Save.

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9. Clear the Magento cache.

10. Refresh the Home Page of your store and you’ll see the “New Arrivals” Widget in the specified container.

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