Magento 2. How to Add New Widget on the Page

You can use the Widgets to add any type of content to the page (products, banners, sliders, etc)

1. Access your Magento 2 store Dashboard and go to the Content section, tap Widgets.

zemez wordpress themes

add widget

2. Then click the Add Widget button.

add widget

3. Select the type of the widget you want to add.

add widget

[notice type=”1111″] Can be useful: Magento 2.x. Widget types overview.

4. Choose the theme to use for the widget.

add widget magento

5. Press the Continue button.

add widget

6. You’ll be redirected to the Widget Settings page.

7. Enter the title for the widget.

[notice type=”warning”]Note, the Widget Title is not visible on the Frontend.

You need a Widget title (1) for internal reference only.

8. Assign the widget to the Store View(s) (2).

add widget

To select more then one Store View hold the Ctrl or the Shift key.

9. Set the widget Sort Order (3). The top position is zero.

10. Move to the Layout Updates section.

Here you can specify the page, layout, category, product type  or  container  to display your new widget.

11. Press the Add Layout Update button.

add widget

We are going to display this widget on the  Home Page .

So, in order to do this, select the “Specified Page” from the Display on (1) option drop down.

Then choose the Page (2) (it’s CMS Home Page) and specify the Container (3).add widget

You also can choose the Template (4) for the widget.

12. Switch to the Widget Options tab.

add widget

Now configure the widget content.
The Widgets Options may vary depending on the Widget Type.

13. Remember to Save the widget.

add widget

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