Magento 1.x. How to Change Products Images Size

Here you can find the instructions on how to change the product images size on Products Pages and Category Pages.
  • Navigate to your Magento root directory and go to the app\design\frontend\default\your_theme_number\template\ecommerceteam\cloud-zoom\catalog\product\view folder.
  • Open the media.phtml file with any text editor.

Change the Product Pages images size

  • In order to change the Product Pages images size, you need to change $bigImageX = 308; $bigImageY = 308; values to the new ones. (Ex. $bigImageX = 108; $bigImageY = 108)product-images-size-magento-zemez

Change the Category Pages images size

  • To change Category Pages images size, you need to go to the app\design\frontend\default\your_theme_number\template\catalog\product folder and open the list.phtml file.


zemez wordpress themes
  • You need to change:


  • Note, we’ve changed the images size for the List Mode.

  • Now, let’s change the images size for the Grid Mode.
  • Search for ul class=”products-grid row” text.


  • You need to change:


values to the new ones.

Change the “New Products” block images size

  •  To change the images size displayed within the “New Products” block on Home page, open the new.phtml file:


  • You need to change:


values to the new ones.

You may need to clear Magento cache.
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