When you still have your website on main domain or just do not want to put a new website there until it is finished, it is really a great idea to install it firstly to a subfolder.
However, if you already adjusted your website and now it is completely ready to go public, – my congratulations! Let’s learn how to overcome this obstacle.
- Let’s start with moving all the files from the sub-directory (i.e., public_html/joomla) to the root (i.e., public_html). You can use FTP manager or cPanel to do the trick.
- Now, when files are already in the right place, you just need to adjust configuration.php file. Open it and locate the following lines of code:
Just remove the name of subfolder (on our case it is joomla) from it, so in the end you will get the following code:
- Also, do not forget to check your .htaccess because the subfolder should be removed there as well.
- Finally, login to your admin panel (use already your new url  http://www.example.com/administrator ), navigate to System -> Clear Cache and delete all the cached files.
Well done! Let your visitors enjoy your website!