Email Marketing: How to Find and Keep Legitimate Subscribers


Email Marketing Strategy

In the current era, the way businesses sell products and connect with customers is undergoing a lot of changes. No doubt, social media platforms are one of the most popular ways of sharing information and attracting more customers. However, it is necessary to point out that email is still a powerful medium for reaching out to your customers and prospects. Many businesses are of the view that customers hate being marketed through emails. But in reality, it is not true. People do read emails. Moreover, if the content is relevant and interesting, they do not mind getting regular emails. 

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When it comes to email marketing, creating new campaigns is no longer a problem. It is because of the availability of a number of email marketing platforms like ConstantContact. If you want to know more details, here is a thorough review about this service that I find trustful and helpful. However, one of the important concerns of most businesses is to get legitimate subscribers. Are you worried about finding legitimate subscribers and retaining them? If yes, here are some of the best ways that can help you get more subscribers easily. Let’s dive in!

Add CTAs to All Web Pages

Most websites have subscribed CTAs only on the home page. However, your customers are likely to browse different pages on your website. With clearly visible call-to-actions on your web pages, people can easily find your subscription options and subscribe to your emails. Adding the subscribe CTA buttons to all your service pages can increase the chances of getting more subscribers easily.

Design a Dedicated Sign-up Page

Websites are considered to be the first point of contact between your target audience and your brand. To share more business information, websites have several pages, such as service pages, contact pages, and more. But have you ever thought of adding a dedicated sign-up page to your website? If not, it is something that you must start thinking about seriously. 

When you want to have legitimate email subscribers, having a sign-up page is important. It will allow interested customers to easily subscribe to your email newsletters and get access to regular updates. On your dedicated sign-up page, make sure to mention the benefits of registering and subscribing to your email.

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Pitch Newsletter on Social Media

People who follow your brand on different social media platforms are more likely to subscribe to your email. All you need to know is the right way to approach them and make them your subscriber. One of the best ways to do so is by providing value to the customers through your posts. 

Thinking of creating social media posts that deliver pure value to the viewers. It can be some tips relating to your business. Or, it can be an engaging video that is loaded with information. Next, you can pitch your newsletter. It will send the message to your target audience that if they want more such valuable content, they can subscribe to your newsletter. It can help you easily find more legitimate subscribers for your brand.

Add Opt-ins at the End of Blogs and Articles

Most websites have a dedicated blog section to keep the audience informed and updated. It is a way of delivering value to the customers. However, not all readers will get to the end of your blogs and articles. Some may leave it halfway. There might be other people who won’t even read beyond the headline. But the readers who actually read your blogs and articles to the very end are the ones who are actually interested in your business. 

So, adding a call-to-action at the end of your content will help you get more legitimate subscribers. Are you thinking about how to add the CTA? Well, one of the best ways is to place the CTA in the author bio section. It will easily come to the attention of the readers and enable you to increase your subscribers. 

If you do not have an author bio section, do not worry. You can simply create a compelling line at the end and add the call to action. Readers who reach the end of the blogs and articles are genuinely interested in your content. Direct them to the subscription option. 

Leverage Double Opt-in Verification 

Every business wants to have more subscribers. However, what if you have a long list of inactive emails? That is not something you would want. In the end, your core aim is to build a quality email list. It is exactly where double opt-in comes in handy. Double opt-in is becoming very popular in recent times. It is a process in which you ask the users to verify their email before entering your email list. 

When users first enter their email, they will receive an email along with a link in it. All the users have to do is click on the link and get their email addresses verified. It helps in ensuring that the provided email address is correct and valid. If the users don’t want to take the additional step and get the email address verified, they are not the right people to be on your list. The people who are really interested in receiving your messages will definitely verify their email addresses. In this way, you can get legitimate subscribers for your business. Moreover, it will be beneficial to use an SPF record checker to do verification and also avoid email security attacks.

Post Valuable Content

If you want to get legitimate subscribers, posting valuable content on your website regularly is important. When the quality of content you post is not good, finding legitimate subscribers can be quite tough. To get more subscribers, you need to make people believe that they can gain access to valuable and helpful content by subscribing to your newsletter. So, make sure to create unique and meaningful content and publish them on your platform. As you do this regularly, finding a legitimate subscriber becomes easy.

Email Marketing Conclusion

The number of email users is likely to reach 4.6 billion by the year 2025. So, it is time to leverage this channel and connect with a wider audience around the globe. To share your brand message, having subscribers is important. Now that you know how to find legitimate subscribers, it is time to implement the strategies and grow the subscriber list of your brand. 

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