The eCommerce Trends 2023. What to expect?


As you might expect, 2022 has not gone unnoticed by the ever-changing eCommerce market. More and more entrepreneurs are changing traditional sales methods. They prefer something new, something that competitors do not yet have. And this allows them to stand out in the eyes of customers because the conversion of the store directly depends on this. More and more interesting “chips” come into use – some are becoming obsolete, while others are just beginning to flourish. Now is the time to start taking stock. Let’s see what can change in the coming year6 and what will remain the same.

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The eCommerce trends 2023 are described taking into account the current situation in the world. All information is completely up-to-date, we will also update it and analyze changes in the future. You may also check the article about the biggest eCommerce trends for the outgoing year.

The growth of eCommerce Business


This trend has not changed for a long time, at least since the beginning of the pandemic. Millions of people are enjoying how easy it is to shop online, and trust in online retailers continues to grow. The market is quickly adapting to change, and even those businesses that used to feel comfortable offline are now represented online. They continue to change with the demands of the times.

Shopping platforms are becoming more and more convenient: new payment and delivery methods are being added. Marketing strategies are improving, which attracts more and more new customers. No wonder eCommerce is booming.

According to analytics, the eCommerce market has grown significantly in 2022. This is expressed in an increase in the number of orders, and, of course, in monetary terms. All of them are constantly growing and significantly exceed the forecasts made a year ago. That will be clearly visible if we lead the eCommerce market trends forecasts for 2023.

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Relying on practice, we can say with confidence that the owners of online stores daily improve the factors that affect such a concept as “consumer comfort”. This is directly proportional to the increase in customer expectations as well as their requirements. New trends in goods in 2023 are a consequence of the desire of the seller to satisfy the buyer in all respects.

As a rule, all eCommerce trends 2023 are aimed at implementing conditions that allow you to quickly (even automatically) meet the needs of consumers and eliminate doubts about whether it is worth concluding a deal or better to wait, looking for a more profitable option for cooperation.

We will detail the major eCommerce trends in 2023, allowing online store owners to pay close attention to them today to achieve new success and increase profits in the future.

eCommerce Trends 2023: Top 10 must-haves essentials for successful online selling


ECommerce is a great way to significantly reduce the time and cost of any purchase: for personal purposes and for business. Consumers are discovering digital services and online shopping. Many people use them constantly, and not from time to time. Together with us, you can follow new trends in marketing and design. This will help you stay up to date with the latest news and changes happening in the world. Respond to them in time – your business will become the most successful. So, what should you pay attention to first of all when we talk about the main eCommerce trends 2023?

Mobile Shopping

Shopping online on the run is the next stage in the digitalization of our lives. Even 20 years ago, this was unthinkable: computers were stationary, and in order to access the Internet, you had to contact the provider. Now more than half (55.4%) of online consumers buy goods using mobile phones, and 7 out of 10 use applications. The mobile marketing revolution has been going on for the past few years. The consumption of mobile content is constantly increasing. Today, for many users, smartphones have become the main source of access to the Internet.

What else is an indicator of the popularity of mobile shopping? The number of installations of mobile applications for e-commerce is constantly growing. The activity of users in these applications and the time they spend there are also growing. What does it mean? Many sites that were previously able to ignore mobile responsiveness should now make sure to check if they have this feature. The more flexible and fast your site is, the more buyers it will begin to attract. Check your resources, how responsive are they?


This is a consequence of the fact that the activity of users in mobile applications is growing. Pay attention to personalized content. Shoppers love the personal attention to their needs throughout the customer journey, from personalized ads to unique selections of featured products. To keep up with the ever-changing desires of users, you must constantly monitor trends and adapt your product. Modern machine learning algorithms will help you run experiments based on objective data, eliminating the need to guess anything.

Algorithms exist for selecting products and optimizing search results based on real-time data allowing brands to always provide users with the most interesting and relevant content for a particular client. The algorithm can analyze the browsing history of buyers and recommend new products to them. This helps keep customers interested and encourages them to make spontaneous purchases.

Also, to personalize interaction with the client, you can use automated chatbots. They can answer frequently asked questions about products and orders, give advice, process requests, and redirect users to support staff if necessary. You can find even more key site-building rules here.

Commerce through social media

We also considered social commerce trends and will continue to talk about them. Social media is an integral part of promotion. And of course, the trends in social networks determine the approach to decision-making in business. According to the latest research, the main goals of most social media entrepreneurs in 2023 will be to attract new audiences, develop customer relationships, and improve customer service. Previously, efforts were focused on increasing revenue and promoting products.

It is expected that in the future there will be clear changes in how manufacturers will use social networks. Instead of just promoting products and services, social media will also be used as a channel to develop deeper relationships with customers.

Social media should become a kind of digital shopping mall, right in the palm of our hands. We can browse products, find inspiration and buy in a few clicks.

Separately, it is worth mentioning user-generated content. This is any content created with the help of users on social networks. Many manufacturers use user-generated content as proof of the high quality of their products or services.

Many manufacturers also actively promote user-generated content as part of their branded content. In doing so, they gain two benefits. The first is that you can cut your branded content ad spend by showing UGC facebook ads. Second, it allows them to bring customers to the fore and show how valuable their experience is.

UGC is absolutely real. This is the most truthful source of information about a company or business that each of us should receive. In the near future, manufacturers will all motivate their customers to use user-generated content in order to further increase engagement on social networks. So add UGC to your content plan if you haven’t already.

Multi-channel strategy

Customers decide to purchase only after a preliminary collection of information about the product. So 73% of people use multiple channels on their journey to purchase

Using an omnichannel strategy increases the average check. This has also been proven time and time again. Buyers interact with companies through various channels: online and offline stores, social networks, instant messengers, email, and service centers. The goal of an omnichannel strategy is to provide customers with a consistent and seamless experience across all of these touchpoints.

You should make sure that all the sales channels you work with have a single design. It is imperative that the transition from one channel to another is quick and without loss of progress. So, if the user has saved his data on social networks, it can be used when placing an order. To create a seamless experience, you need to learn how and in what cases users switch between channels, and find and remove potential obstacles along the way.

If you use offline and online sales channels, you should think about how to link them together. The ability to easily make a conversion in any seller’s channel increases such an indicator as customer lifetime value by 30%, that is, it allows you to build and make long-term relationships with customers more efficiently.

Customer service

Customer care is one of the most important trends in 2023. 96% of consumers say that the quality of service significantly influences the decision to repurchase. Today, many solutions can be used to improve the quality of customer service – from chatbots and artificial intelligence to sensors and automated responses. Speed ​​matters! For a wow effect, it is no longer enough to answer within 30 minutes, now you need to do it even faster. Moreover, the speed of response is important at all stages: from the response of the operator to the timing of the provision of services/delivery of goods.

If you use a chatbot, your customers should be able to quickly switch to live communication with the operator. Yes, bots are still important and convenient, but you need to carefully control the flow of incoming requests.

Video support is a trend that is gaining momentum. It can be a video instruction or a video consultation. Start implementing before your competitors get ahead of you.

Self-service is simple, convenient, and affordable. Evaluate your landing page, and if necessary, update the information, and the database of answers to frequently asked questions. According to statistics, 57% of all customers try to find the answer on their own before contacting support.

eCommerce subscriptions

In eCommerce, a subscription is a business model in which a company continuously and regularly provides services in exchange for regular payments from a customer.

Recently, the success of many services operating according to this scheme is simply stunning. According to surveys, 46% of customers are already paying for an online streaming service, and 15% signed up for an eCommerce service within one year of the survey. Different companies offer different “types” of subscriptions depending on their industry, target audience, and other factors. Among the most popular subscriptions are:

– Subscription to restocking – allows customers to regularly receive the necessary goods.

– Subscriptions-recommendations – offer selections of products to individual customers based on their unique needs and tastes.

– Privileged access subscription services operate on a “club shop” basis where customers must purchase a membership in order to have access to the products offered by the company. As a rule, goods are offered at a significant discount (which justifies the cost of membership).

An eCommerce subscription has a lot of benefits. In particular, it helps to retain customers and builds their loyalty. The subscription also helps you predict your earnings and sales in the future. Subscribing customers to your service also means that you will have tons of opportunities to interact with them during the subscription period. For companies that provide services continuously throughout the month, these opportunities for interaction are obvious.


The current retail trend that will only grow in popularity around the world is sustainability. This not only promotes environmentally friendly practices but helps any business involved in these practices appear trustworthy and trustworthy. Some sustainability practices include a wider range of alternatives for food (plant-based products), recycled material for packaging and shipping, and recycled material for clothing. Consumers around the world are becoming increasingly aware of and considering the impact of their purchases on the environment.

Focusing your business on sustainable practices will have a significant positive impact on your business, and research shows that consumers are happy to know that the store they buy durables from is environmentally friendly. Therefore, consumers are willing to pay more, and you can increase the price of your product.

A recommerce strategy

This approach helps brands strengthen their market position, make a profit and save nature. Of course, it did not appear yesterday, but its position is now steadily strengthening. Recommerce is the very direction in which the most popular things get a second life. These may include electronic devices, books, jewelry, clothing, durables, and furniture. Some products (appliances or cars) may be purchased for remanufacturing or use as a source of parts and metal. If a brand motivates the audience to reuse products, it becomes more sustainable, and its value in the eyes of potential customers increases.

There is also “environmental re-commerce”, which is the purchase and subsequent processing or proper disposal of goods. The main advantage of eCommerce for business is that as an integral part of the strategy, it can generate profit from literally nothing. For example, you can buy back your items at low prices, restore them, and then sell them for a higher price.

Applying the principles of recommerce as one of the important eCommerce trends in 2023 can make your brand sustainable and also improve your reputation. They will allow you to generate income and attract additional attention to your products.

Optional payment methods

Until a few years ago, B2B companies were aware of the importance of digitalization, especially when it came to payment trends in B2B e-commerce. While large enterprises are quite resilient to change, the transformation of B2B payments to digital has become inevitable in recent years, and this transition has accelerated.

The number of companies that completely switch to electronic payment is constantly growing. It is expected that more and more eCommerce companies will start accepting payments in new formats, such as cryptocurrency. However, with such innovations, it is worth thinking about the increased risk of cyber fraud and protecting yourself and your customers to the maximum.

B2B buyers have begun to actively master modern payment systems, including new forms of financing. The popularity of mobile wallets such as Amazon Pay and Apple Pay will grow and be used more frequently.

Customers want to choose the best or most convenient payment method at checkout. Companies that expand their payment options are more likely to inspire trust and attract purchases. Equally important are “Buy Now, Pay Later” interest-free financing solutions and other interest-free payment options. It is especially important if they can be issued in one click. Such solutions are gaining popularity and attracting shoppers who need flexibility while shopping online.


Product delivery is a critical process and decision-making factor in eCommerce. For many buyers, the terms of delivery are no less important than the cost of the goods.

At the same time, additional shipping costs are the most common reason for abandoning a purchase. Some shipping factors that may be important to you:

  • the most important factors of delivery – speed, punctuality, the narrowness of the interval;
  • only 10% will make an order at any delivery speed;
  • 41% of buyers have ever had a need for urgent delivery, but not all were able to use it;
  • buyers are willing to pay for urgency;
  • 30% of users consider urgent delivery on the same day, and 28% – within two hours after ordering.

You can very well use this trend in your business. It is important to minimize customer waiting time. In order to deliver the goods on time, try to establish cooperation with large delivery services – they can arrange faster delivery to the regions where you usually deliver the goods.

It also does not hurt to provide the client with the opportunity to choose a convenient delivery method and return conditions. The more convenient the procedure for buying and receiving your goods and services for the client, the higher the likelihood that he will return to you more than once.

Keep in mind that as marketplaces become more popular, people get used to fast delivery within a few days, so if you provide long delivery times, you can lose a lot of customers.

Why you should follow eCommerce trends


All the described eCommerce trends in 2023 are aimed at providing convenience and ease of shopping, implementing solutions for consumer comfort. Buyer behavior depends not only on the quality and “need” of the product but also on the conditions of interaction with the seller: if the process of searching and selecting goods, and placing an order causes difficulties for a person, he will immediately leave the online store. Online trading aims to quickly cover the needs of the client, and dispel his questions and doubts about the purchase.

Many of the listed trends did not originate today but remain relevant (automation, personalization, payment methods, and so on). Others have just embarked on the path of development – direct sales through social networks, virtualization, or, for example, “green” principles. The latter trend is not so widespread in the world, but the demand for environmental initiatives is steadily growing. Solutions to protect the environment include recycling raw materials, the use of eco-packaging, the production of goods from biodegradable materials, transitioning to electric vehicles, and others.

To be successful tomorrow, focus on trends today. Considering changes in consumer behavior and technology, you will be able to:

  • quickly adapt to changes;
  • anticipate customer expectations;
  • get competitive advantages.

Vendy – Multipurpose Shopify Theme for Fashion


A unique theme that has received many great reviews. If you are looking for an opportunity to create a website that will be in line with all the eCommerce trends 2023 and will remain relevant for a long time – get to know Vendy. With this theme, you can choose the look and feel of your website and customize it without any programming knowledge.

Vendy is designed for all types of eCommerce sites. It provides a simple and clean design that consists of a set of pre-made pages. These include product listings, checkout pages, and a blog. This is a great versatile template with many useful features.

With an online store, you can sell whatever you want. Vendy provides every opportunity for this. There is a clean start page that you can customize to your liking, tools for working with the site and its promotion, as well as detailed documentation to help you set everything up right.

Vendy will be very useful for your business because she saves time and is easy to edit even if you have limited coding knowledge. In some cases, you will only need to replace images and text, and you will end up with a working website. Of course, you will still need to add a payment gateway, and include product pages in order to make the online store workable. But with this template, you can skip the long development and coding phase and start selling online with a unique website much earlier. Want to see other popular Shopify themes? We have compiled a list of the Best-Selling Shopify Fashion Themes on Envato 2022.


In eCommerce, it is important to take into account not only current market trends but also user preferences for different products. In some areas, automation will come first, in others – communication with the client, in others – flexible delivery and return conditions. Conduct surveys, study reviews, test hypotheses, and make the right decisions.

After the online trading market has undergone significant changes due to global changes in the world, eCommerce trends follow each other. They adapt to the needs and desires of the target audience. User requests are becoming more demanding and what was relevant a couple of years ago is no longer so today.

E eCommerce trends in 2023 are associated with economic realities that dictate new conditions. Changes are forcing companies to switch to new methods of doing business on the Internet, and quickly adjust and adapt to the realities of the world. 

The focus of marketers in 2023 will be on improving the user experience on smartphones. Increasingly, customers will shop through social media. And to finally make a purchase decision. will use modern imaging technologies. Shopping in 2023 using a mobile phone is simple, affordable, and as fast as possible. Brands need to adapt to innovation and current trends that are rapidly evolving. The introduction of the latest eCommerce trends 2023 is the key to success in a highly competitive market.

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