Content Marketing Strategy: Top Tactics that Are Thriving in 2023


Global Content Marketing Strategy 2023

From year to year, content digital marketing is still one of the most important aspects to consider when planning your business strategy. The landscape of content marketing is constantly changing, and what worked last year may not work this year or even at the current moment. Whether you sell b2b products, write blog posts or develop social media content it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest content marketing trends and tactics.

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Main Content Marketing Strategy Stages

Content marketing strategy is the process of planning, creating, and distributing content that’s valuable to your target audience. It consists of three main stages: content planning, content creation, and content distribution.

Content Planning

This is where you decide on the types of content you will create, publication frequency, and define your target audience. It’s important to be realistic when planning your content strategy. If you try to do too much, you will quickly become overwhelmed and bogged down in the details. Keep your content plans simple and achievable so that you can stick to them and easily measure the results.

Content Creation

Once you have a content plan in place, it’s time to start creating content. There are many things that you can create like blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more. The best way to decide what type of content to create is to think about what would be most valuable to your target audience. If you’re not sure where to start, try creating a mix of content types to see what works best for you and your audience.

Content Distribution

The final step in any content marketing strategy is content distribution. This means making your content available to your viewers. Some common promotion channels include a blog, a website, social media, email, and others. The best way to promote your content will vary depending on all the factors you’ve discussed during your planning phase. Experiment with different distribution channels to see what works best for you.

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Types of Strategies in Content Digital Marketing


● Informational content marketing involves creating content that educates, informs, or teaches your audience about a specific topic. It’s designed to help them make better decisions, solve problems, or learn something new. Don’t forget to use keyword-rich titles, include a call-to-action, and promote your content on social media. Moz uses content in digital marketing to help its target audience learn about SEO and online marketing.

● Entertaining content marketing focuses on entertaining and engaging your audience. It helps to capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with your brand. Use catchy titles, implement visuals, and add a humorous tone to your content to increase engagement.

● Emotional content marketing makes your audience react emotionally to your content. Content that tugs at their heartstrings, makes them laugh, or gets them angry can be effective in getting them to remember your brand and building connections. Be sure to use strong visuals and emotional language in your content to deliver the desired effect.

● Promotional content marketing: helps promote products, services, or brands. It’s designed to increase sales or encourage people to act. Use persuasive language, include a call-to-action, and highlight your product’s or service’s benefits so people notice it.

Content Marketing Tactics that Don’t Work

1. Creating content for its sake

This often happens when companies fail to plan their content strategy and instead just produce content without any clear purpose or target audience in mind. As a result, they end up with a lot of content that no one wants to read or share.

2. Using too much jargon

The use of too much terminology and jargon can make your content difficult to understand for the average reader and turn them off from reading or sharing it. You need to always keep your audience in mind and use language that they will be able to understand.

3. Writing long-winded content

In today’s fast-paced world, people have shorter attention spans than ever before and are more likely to skim content than read it word for word. That’s why it’s important to keep your content concise and to the point. Get your message across in as few words as possible and avoid adding unnecessary fluff.

4.  Using all caps or too many exclamation points

Many articles and blog posts these days are written in all caps or contain too many exclamation points. This can make it seem like shouting and can turn people off from reading. When creating content, stick to using normal sentence cases and reserve exclamation points for only the most essential statements. Here are some examples of such excessiveness: “BUY NOW!!!!”, “I tried the app and OMG THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!”, “YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!!”.

Content Marketing Tactics That Are Thriving in 2023


Boosting conversions and driving traffic to your site are three of the best ways to use content marketing. It is important to keep up with the latest trends if you want to implement an effective content marketing strategy.

You can bolster your content strategy with our list of 2023 content marketing trends.

1. Creating evergreen content

Evergreen content is relevant and useful, no matter when viewers come across it, and continues to drive traffic and engagement long after it’s first published. This is everything connected with comprehensive guides on how to use a product, FAQs, or else that covers all the bases – all you need is to regularly update the information if it’s required.

2. Using videos

People love watching videos because they’re easy to consume, and they’re often more engaging than other types of content. When creating videos, make sure to keep your audience in mind and produce content that they’ll find valuable. Don’t forget to use video editing software to add a spark to your content with special effects, background music, subtitles, or anything else that you find relevant.  Coca-Cola is a well-known brand that is a great example of creating interesting and engaging video content for viewers.

3. Creating truly original content

In a sea of content, it can be hard to stand out. That’s why originality is key. Create content that is unlike anything else that’s out there. This could mean writing from a unique perspective or tackling topics in a new way. Whatever you do, make sure your content is fresh and original.

4. Going live

Live video is one of the most popular content formats right now. 80% of people prefer watching live streams instead of reading blogs.  It’s a great way to connect with your audience in real time and build relationships. You can use live video for everything from announcements and Q&As to interviews and product demonstrations.

Top Useful Tools for Content Creators

1. BuzzSumo

This tool allows you to see the most popular content on the web and identify the key influencers in your industry. It can help you see what content is most popular among your target audience and develop a content strategy based on these insights.

2. CoSchedule

CoSchedule is a great option for you to better organize your content creation process. It allows you to plan, optimize, and publish your content. It also has several features that can help in advertising your content and measuring its success.

3. Hootsuite

The tool allows you to manage all of your social media accounts in one place which helps to monitor progress, adjust strategies accordingly, and easily share your content across multiple platforms. It also provides insights that can help you better understand the performance of your content.

4. Quora

Quora is a great online platform for content creators to find the most popular questions in their industry and share their expert knowledge. You can also use Quora to find content ideas and learn more about what people are interested in.

5. Canva

Canva is one of the best tools for creating visuals. On this platform, you can find a template for creating infographics, social media images, and more. It’s also easy to use, which makes it a great option for content creators who are short on time.


Content marketing is essential for business growth. By creating and promoting valuable content, you can attract and retain customers, drive traffic to your store, and boost sales. Keep up with what’s trending today and involve tactics to ensure that your content stands out from the rest in the future.

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