Creating Services Using Hotel Booking Plugin

Before adding Rooms and Room Types you need to create the Hotel Services in order to assign them to the room types. From this tutorial you’ll learn about creating services using Hotel Booking plugin.

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Creating Services
  1. To create a new service, please, navigate to Accommodation > Services tab on the left of the Dashboard. Here click Add New button at the top of the page.  Creating Services Using Hotel Booking Plugin
  2. On the Add New Service page add the title for the service you want to provide. Creating Services Using Hotel Booking Plugin
  3. Fill in the service description in the Content block.
  4. Scroll the page down in order to see the Price block. Creating Services Using Hotel Booking Plugin
  5. Set the needed price in $ in the Price field.
  6. Define the frequency charges for the provided service (only once, or per night) in the Periodicity field.
  7. Specify if the charge will be taken per room, or per adult in the Charge.
  8. When everything is ready click Publish button.  
  9. You can edit the existing services anytime you want. To do it navigate to Services menu and hover on one of the services. Then click Edit option.
This tutorial is based on Monstroid2 Multipurpose WordPress theme (Modern skin).
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