From this tutorial you’ll learn how to manage room types using Hotel Booking plugin. This plugin makes it easy to display room types in neat categories (suites, deluxe rooms, etc.). It also provides you with the tools necessary for receiving and managing bookings.
Managing Room Types
- First, log in to Administration panel (Dashboard) and navigate to Accommodation tab in the left column. Here find Categories sub menu. Here you can view the existing list of room type categories. Though, the list may be empty if you’ve just recently begun to use the plugin.
- Let’s create a new room category. In the Name field type in the name of a category (room type).
- In the slug field you need to enter the short description of the category. Use only lowercase letters and numbers to create a slug.
- In the description field input the description for this kind of room types.
- Now click on the Add New Room Category button.
- Let’s navigate to Facilities sub menu (you can find at the Accommodation tab). We need to add a facility (we will be adding Bathroom in our example).
- Enter the title, the slug and the description of the facility in the empty fields.
- Click on Add New Facility button to add a facility to the existing ones.
- Once everything is done, we can add a room type.
- Navigate to Add Room Type sub menu (in the Accommodation tab). A Room Type editor will open.
- Enter the title of your room (we’ll be adding yellow room in our example).
- Now you need to assign a category to the room. On the right, you can find the list of categories and add the one that suits the room.
- Add some content about the room in the content field. It can be text description, a video, or a photo gallery. You may also use shortcodes.
- Add facilities to the room in the Facilities block on the right.
- There is also a set of different options, that help provide visitors information about room capacity, available services, etc. Fill in the information about the room in the fields.
- Now click on Publish button.
Thanks for reading this tutorial. Now you know how to manage room types using Hotel Booking plugin.
This tutorial is based on Bellaina Real Estate WordPress theme.