How to Add Post Custom Excerpt

From this tutorial you’ll learn how to add post custom excerpt to let visitors read the gist of the post content in several sentences.
Post excerpts are used when displaying Search results, Post Sliders, Category Archive, etc. Usually, the post excerpt displays the beginning of the post text content. It has limits, as there can be the certain number of characters to display only). When you add a custom excerpt, you can input your own text to display it instead of the default text passage from the post.

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Adding Custom Excerpts to Posts
  1. To add a custom post excerpt, first, log in to WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Posts > All Posts tab on the left.
  2. Select on the post you need to edit and click on Edit option to open post editor page.
  3. Navigate to Screen Options block in the top right corner of the post editor. Here check Excerpt to display the excerpt field.
  4. Scroll down post editor page to locate the field. Here you can fill in your custom post excerpt.Post Custom Excerpt
  5. Click on Update button to save the changes.
This tutorial is based on BeDentist & Medical WordPress theme.
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