Magento 1.x. How to Add a New Static Block to the Header Section

Here you can find the instructions on how to add a static block to the header section of your Magento store.
  • Firstly, navigate to the CMS > Static Blocks section.
  • Then click on the Add New Block button.


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  • Specify your Block Title and enter the Block Identifier.
  • Copy the Identifier to the clipboard. You will need it later.
  • After, select the store view you want to show this Static block on. You also can enter some content you want to display within the block in the Content field.static-block-header-magento-zemez
  • Navigate to the Magento root folder and open the app\design\frontend\default\themeXXX\template\page\html folder.
  • After that you need to open header.phtml file with any text editor.
  • Insert this code where ever you need the Static Block (in the header):
  • custom_block_id here,  is your identifier which you’ve specified while creating the Static Block:


  • Save the file.
  • Now, you need to upload it to your server.
  • Refresh your Magento cache and your store website.
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