How to enable and manage error reporting

This article is going to explain how to enable or disable, and manage error reporting in Joomla based website in a few different ways.

There is an option for setting Error Reporting for Joomla. Log into your Joomla administration panel and navigate to System > Global Configuration in the top menu. In the tabbed menu, click the Server tab. Find the Error Reporting setting under the Server Settings heading. Change the value as needed, and then click the Save button in the top left corner of the page.

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However, when Joomla admin panel fails to open, then error reporting can be changed through the configuration.php file. Use FTP or File Manager to open root folder of your Joomla installation. Search for configuration.php file.

  • In configuration.php file look for this line: public $error_reporting = ‘default’:

Instead of ‘default’, you can set any numerical value of PHP error constants such as:

  • -1 = 0 : No error reporting.
  • 30711 = E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE|E_WARNING) : All errors reporting. No warnings or notices.
  • 30711 = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE : All errors and warnings reporting. No notices.
  • 30719 = E_ALL : All errors, warnings, and notices reporting.
  • 32767 = E_ALL | E_STRICT : All errors, warnings, notices and strict standards reporting.
$error_reportingPHP equivalentErrors displayed on the website
32767E_ALL | E_STRICTAll errors, warnings, notices, and strict standards.
30719E_ALLAll errors, warnings, notices.
30711E_ALL & ~E_NOTICEAll errors, warnings, but no notices.
30711E_ALL &


All Errors. No warnings or notices.
-10No error reporting at all.


Changing the error reporting level through the configuration.php file is more practical and provides the administrator with a more granular control over the level of errors on the site.


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