Gutenberg is the most usable WordPress editor which replaced its Classic editor and introduces the new block way of content building. And from Matt Mullenweg’s – WordPress co-founder’s, speech on the 2019 WordPress Camp US, it became clear that Gutenberg editor is the future of WordPress. It includes a lot of elements and widgets to create powerful posts and pages. Their customization is also quite simple and allows you to do it without deep learning of web design.
WordPress regularly gets updates, and Gutenberg as a part of this project is not an exception. 2019 was full of updates for Gutenberg, the team introduced the new functions and improved the functionality. We also had a lot of talks around this block editor on our Blog page and told you about these features.
Now it’s time, to check what’s new will be there for us in the 2020 year. Let’s discuss what new functions we expect to try with the Gutenberg content editor during the new year.
The team of WordPress recently has told us the release dates in 2020. They have planned updates for March, August, and December of 2020.
During 2020 they will be focused on website editing improvement. Creating a website is one of the best ways to promote the business. That is why adding more useful blocks and giving them new features will attract more users. And it is the key goal of 2020 updates.
What new features we’re expecting in 2020 in Gutenberg?
TikTok integration
Social networks are very popular nowadays and people often use them for any purpose. Gutenberg allows you to embed the content from the majority of them. But TikTok embeds are not available at the moment. However, you will get an opportunity to add the videos from this app directly to your webpages in 2020 while using Gutenberg.
“render_callback” argument for rendering callback
There is a brand new filter for pre_render_block to improve the way the callback is rendered. The team plans to make a “render_callback” object, an argument. This might take the way the blocks are passed to the server to the whole new level, making the process faster and smoother.
“Aria-label” for associating nav blocks together
So many widgets in WordPress, like categories list, archive links, tag cloud, and others, are in fact nav blocks. What matters is that there’s a suggestion to associate them together as nav blocks and use aria-labelledby or aria-label for this purpose.
These are the features we expect to observe in new updates.
WordPress team always develop the platform and pay a lot of attention at their editor. We can’t totally say what they exactly launched in the new year but we can say with accuracy that these guys do not stop on the achieved results and try to make their product better and more comfortable for users.
Be on the watch out of the novelties and read our articles to know more about them. In our posts, we will show how to use all the new features with your content on our own experience, and describe their advantages and disadvantages.
Also, from our tutorials, you will learn how to build excellent posts or pages, and create new blocks.