WordPress Themes
Bizaron — Free WordPress theme for business
- 100% FREE WordPress theme
- Based on free Elementor builder
- Full demo content
- GPL v.2.0
- RTL-compatible
Bizaron — FREE business theme includes
Explore Bizaron WordPress theme for Elementor and enjoy all the templates with demo content, fully based on free widget.
All page templates
Pricing section
Services layouts
Brands layout
Projects section
Services showcase
Testimonials slider
Contact form
Built to match your needs
Bizaron is the king among WordPress best free themes for business! It is built to fully match your purposes, and has pre-built Call to Action sections, pricing templates, service layouts, testimonial sliders, and even contact forms with maps! It’s fully set to be used on a website!
Fully customizable & responsive
If you’re looking for a 100% responsive free WordPress theme for business services, Bizaron is a perfect match! It will make building a website really easy, thanks to multiple style and content customization options that are provided within the default Elementor editor!
Includes all demo content
This theme comes with the full version of demo content for free! You can use any page layout or template along with the images provided within the WordPress theme, on your website. Bizaron has everything you might need to kick-start a website showcasing your business in a smart wa
Fast and lightweight
This free theme is made to impress you with its loading speed! It will rank high in the GTMetrix or any other benchmark, and you’ll be satisfied with its great performance on the web!
GPL v.2.0
Bizaron is a free WordPress theme for business topics, coming under the GPL v.2.0 license. This means, that it can be copied, modified and distributed according to the license terms, fitting your bravest projects!
WPML and RTL-friendly
This theme makes it possible to create several versions of your website for different languages. It has basic RTL and WPML compatibility, so you can use it formultilingual websites.
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