Dynamic sections for Pages (light version)

for $49 $44

  • New Online Store 2.0 functionality
  • Use Sections on custom pages (1 page) Exception: Product page, Blog, Posts, Collections
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Dynamic Sections for Pages

Shopify’s dynamic sections make your shop more engaging and useful surely. Using them, you can create sections based on user activity or input. In addition, dynamic content can be added to sections in order to keep them fresh and relevant.

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Customization of any custom page on your website with the Sections Everywhere Page Builder. Adding and managing your theme’s sections, images, video, or any HTML content to individual custom pages. Markedly, you can equip your store with fresh content that will delight customers and search engines alike.

1. Build a New Page Template

Our Shopify team developers will create a new template in your Shopify administration panel following the needed Shopify requirements.

2. Insert Sections Into the Custom Page Template

Add sections to the newly created page template, and wrap these sections in a container if it’s necessary.

3. Make Dynamic Sections for Pages Customizable

After adding the sections to the page template, our coders will write the actual code that enables us to use these sections across different pages and enable them to serve different content.

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4. Make a New Page with the Help of Our Template


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