
How to Disable the Gutenberg WordPress Editor

Gutenberg is the new WordPress editor. Developers all over the world nowadays are creating plugins to expand the Gutenberg possibilities and make it more user friendly and available even for people, who can’t work with code. You can search for these plugins and check it by yourself – ZeGuten block builder, for instance.

Although it looks modern, many users find it difficult to use. In this quick and simple tutorial, you will learn how to disable the Gutenberg WordPress editor, get back to the classic editor, and why you may have the need to change the editor.

Why disable Gutenberg editor

There are a few reasons, why you may have the need to change the editor. Among them are:

Ways to disable Gutenberg in WordPress

In this tutorial, you will learn how to disable the Gutenberg editor completely and hide all of its traces in the WordPress toolbar.

Coming back to the Classic Editor with plugin

One of the most popular ways of disabling the Gutenberg editor in WordPress is by downloading the Classic Editor plugin. This method not only allows you to come back to the default editor but also gives you the opportunity to switch between the editors.

Depending on what you have chosen, you are able to use the classic editor or you can choose between Gutenberg and the classic editor post-by-post.

Activating the Disable Gutenberg plugin

This method is suitable if you want to disable Gutenberg for specific user roles and post types.

Shut down Gutenberg with the help of code

Another way of shutting down the Gutenberg editor in WordPress is to do changes in the source code. However, we do not recommend you to use this method, because one wrong step can lead to some errors.

To sum up

In the short term, there is no problem in disabling the Gutenberg editor. However, as soon as Gutenberg has been installed as the default WordPress editor, the developers of themes and plugins began to focus on developing for Gutenberg. Thus, you may miss the functionality by disabling the Gutenberg editor.

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