
How to create a home page with Gutenberg (based on Gutenberry theme)

From this tutorial, you will learn the most important and valuable information on how to create a home page with the Gutenberg editor and GutenBerry theme.

Creating a home page with the Gutenberg WordPress editor

A home page is nearly one of the most important pages of your blog. It is the first thing people see when clicking on the link in search engines. It’s necessary to put on this page a small introduction of your blog and a piece of information about yourself as well.

There are a few ways of making a home page in WordPress. If you want to get assistance in page building and expand the Gutenberg possibilities with some additional features and block, you may use a plugin. There are a lot of them nowadays, but one of the most popular is ZeGuten. It has 14 responsive blocks to build any page you want.

Hovewer, in this tutorial, we will show you how to create a home page using the Gutenberg native WordPress editor and the options it provides.

Create a page and give it a name

Create a page and give it a name. Here you can set all the necessary settings regarding your brand new page.

Having created your home page, you are able to set a bunch of options, available once owning the GutenBerry theme.

In case you are working with another theme, don’t worry. All the instructions are suitable if you work with the Gutenberg WordPress editor.

Add a home page to the menu

After creating a home page, you may need to add it to your main menu. You can do it in two ways, with the help of the customizer, or directly on the dashboard. However, if you have just installed the theme, it may not have a menu. In this case, you’ll need to create it.

Creating a menu

One of the easiest ways of making a menu is simply creating it in your admin dashboard.

Set a page as home page of your site

Let’s do the last steps in making a menu!

To view your results, go to the Appearance > Customize. You can see your newly created home page.

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