
How to fix an issue with Gutenberg reusable blocks not showing

In this quick and simple tutorial, you will figure out the reasons why your reusable blocks not showing and how to fix broken reusable blocks in Gutenberg.

A small introduction to reusable blocks

The reusable blocks feature, provided by the Gutenberg native WordPress editor, allows users to reuse blocks with content all over their website. They are stored in a custom post type called wp_block. To make your block reusable all you need to do is simply click on the three-dote tab and choose the “Add to Reusable Blocks” tab.

Note: If you use additional block plugins like ZeGuten or other, they also support creating reusable blocks.

What are the reasons for broken reusable blocks

Talking about the reusable blocks in Gutenberg, there may be a couple of situations when blocks are not showing.

How to fix the problem

1. Deleted post or page

One of the primary reasons why your reusable blocks not showing is that previously you have deleted the pages or posts, on which the reusable blocks were originally created. In such a case, unfortunately, you’ll need to create your reusable blocks once more. After that, we strongly recommend you not to delete these posts and pages without doing a backup.

2. Plugin conflict

Deactivate all the downloaded plugins, except for the Gutenberg. After that, switch to one of the default themes and try to use the reusable blocks. If they have shown up, that there was a problem with plugin compatibility, which caused broken reusable blocks.

3. Brocken blocks

The solution may also be quite evident. There is a chance that you have a broken reusable block somewhere. Try to go to the “Reusable Block Management” page. Delete all the reusable blocks and start over.

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