
Creating content in Gutenberg editor (pros and cons)

There are a lot of discussions around WordPress editors, and which is better to use: classic WordPress editor or Gutenberg. The same is true about Gutenberg optimized content.

Classic editor has the usual design and functionality that hasn’t been particularly changed over the years.

According to UppercutSEO, Gutenberg is the latest editor for WordPress with a modern design and blocks structure.

Both of them are simple in use. So to choose which one to use is left up to you. By collaborating closely with WordPress developers, users can gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and limitations of each editor. 

In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of using the Gutenberg blog editor.

Gutenberg download

Once you’ve installed or updated WordPress CMS to v. 5.0 or higher version, you get Gutenberg as your default editor.

However, you will be able to access only the most basic options of Gutenberg and to use its more advanced functionality you’d need to install Gutenberg plugin atop of the basic WordPress installation.

You can easily download the Gutenberg by going to the “Plugins” – “Add New” and entering “Gutenberg” into the keyword field. Then find Gutenberg plugin and click on “Install Now” and “Activate”. Now you can edit your posts with Gutenberg editor.

To see how to create posts into the Gutenberg you can read our tutorial “Make a post with Gutenberg editor”.

Advantages of using Gutenberg

Gutenberg disadvantages

Gutenberg VS Classic editor

Gutenberg editor Classic editor
Modern minimalistic design Familiar design
More tools for visual editing Suitable for writing short and simple posts
Shows the content structure Always compatible with your theme regardless of its origins and updates history
Allows to edit in HTML and simultaneously preview the results Familiar to everyone who knows WordPress CMS
Makes it easy to split content into columns and make nested blocks  
Allows to use anchor links and create links for the specific blocks  
Has a growing number of addons to extend its functionality  
Is compatible with the most popular WordPress themes and plugins  
Allows to play around with content and build it beyond the limits of an ordinary post  
Receives frequent updates with ensured backward compatibility, so you won’t lose any content ever  
Allows turning the older publications made with classic editor into blocks and update them on the fly  
Lets you disable the blocks you just don’t need  
Has a full-screen mode to view your content as it will look on frontend  

The decision which editor to choose depends on your aims. If you need to create multimedia-rich content with lots of widgets, or you are a developer, Gutenberg will become an excellent assistant to you. If you write simple blog posts with a lot of text inside, the classic editor is enough to create excellent articles.