
How to apply gradient background in Gutenberg

From this quick and simple tutorial, you will figure out what is a gradient background and how to apply it in Gutenberg and make the blocks on your pages look more attractive.

What is Gradient background

One of the definitions of the word “gradient” is a range of position-dependent colors, usually used to fill some area. Gradient is a tool, which allows you to add depth and dimension to your design. There are a few types of gradients:

The are multiple reasons for using gradient in buttons, sections or the whole page background. With this tool, you are able to bring a completely new life to the interface of your website. Let’s figure out how to apply it to the different blocks!

How to use gradient in Gutenberg

As a first step, go to “Pages” > “All pages” and choose the page, you want to work with. In this part of our tutorial, we will show you how to apply a gradient background to some of the previously created blocks.

Applying the custom gradient

After the preparation job is done, click on the “Preview” button, located above the right sidebar. It will direct you to the page of your website.

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