
How to build a new Gutenberg block from scratch with React.JS

From this tutorial, you will learn how to create brand new custom blocks for Gutenberg editor. You will do it with the help of a special plugin, which you are going to create by yourself.

Creation of the plugin

We have to admit that you may create a custom Gutenberg block using one of the default themes or your previously downloaded theme. However, in our example, we will create a custom plugin to work with it.

1. As a first step, you have to go to the “wp-content” folder > “plugins” folder.

2. Here create a new folder and name it the way you want to name your plugin. In this tutorial, the name of the folder will be “custom-gutenberg-blocks”.

3. After that, open the newly created folder and create a “custom.php” file right here. Open it and write down the following code. It will help to register the new plugin and load the JavaScript.

See the gist on github.

4. In the same folder create a “custom.js” file. You have to call it the way you’ve set in the function. Here you can write your own JavaScript code.

Building a new block in JS within Gutenberg editor

In this part of our tutorial, we will show you how to create and register a JavaScript file to define the way, in which your block will be working. We will also set how it will look in the Gutenberg editor and frontend.

Defining built-in attributes

Let’s start to build our first custom Gutenberg block! Firstly, we will write down all the built-in attributes.

  1. The easiest one is the “title” attribute. You can specify it the way you want. Specify a “description” as well.
  2. After that, define an “icon”. You can use dash icons by WordPress, which are built-in into the WP administration area. On the other hand, you copypaste an SVG picture.
  3. The last one is the “category”. It is necessary in order to list our custom block inside the WP administration area.

Set the custom attributes and built-in functions

Now we’re gonna create a custom “attributes” object, which will keep track of all our custom attributes. Let’s indicate its type. We will define it as “string”.

Leave the custom functions block blank because we don’t have any custom functions yet.

As a next step, we will define the built-in functions of the registerBlockType. There are actually just two of them: edit and save. However, they are a little bit complicated, so, for now, we are gonna leave it empty.

Appending the “edit” and “save” functions

After all the job done your “custom.js” file will look like that:

See the gist on github.

Congratulations! That is all you need for the backend. Now you may check how your new custom Gutenberg block will look. However, if you don’t want to spend much time on creating a block, you can simply add one and then customize according to your needs. Use a special block builder plugin, ZeGuten for instance, to add a block, and fill it with relevant content. Investing in a dedicated React.js developer or team is undoubtedly a great way to create high-performance, interactive web applications. You can count on EcDev Studio for help with hiring an experienced React.js developer.

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